Sunday, February 6, 2011

Developing Haiti's Media: The History of the Media in Haiti

Haiti has been in the US media a lot since its tragic earthquake in January of 2010. Pictures and video clips circulated throughout the US' media as the citizens of Haiti struggled to recover. Haiti's appearance in the US media has died down a bit but what about in their own media?
Due to the persecution of journalist who attempted to challenge the status quo, Haiti's media is still in its developing stage. During the Duvalier family dictatorship (1957-1986), Radio Haiti Inter, Haiti's first independent radio station, developed domestic news broadcast and ran the first broadcast in Creole, Haiti's most prevalent language. The station was quickly shut down by the paramilitary, which was sent by the Duvaliers.

Six years later, along with the one of the Duvalier's departure, Radio Haiti Inter started back up. During this time other media began to develop. Currently, Haiti has seven national radio stations, two national newspapers, and one national television station. Unfortunately, none of these media sectors are generating enough money which is hindering further development.

People in Haiti are still making an effort to develop the media in Haiti. Recently, a new publishing house opened and Bwa Kayiman Fondasyon aquired its own printing press. Others use alternative media to keep the citizens of Haiti informed. For example, the Center for Research and Action for 1 Development produces cassettes.

Journalist want to keep their fellow Haitians up-to-date on current events in Haiti so the struggle to develop Haiti's media continues.

Haiti Media Report
Full list of Haiti media

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